Our Services

Asset Management Systems, Inc. works with small business owners and individuals who are serious about using the financial planning process to secure their financial future. In addition to all types of retirement plans like: IRA's, ROTH's, 401K's, SIMPLE's and SEP's, AMS also offers traditional insurance and retirement plans from a variety of sources. We offer mutual funds from virtually all major mutual fund families and brokerage services as well as managed "No Load" mutual fund programs, called "Wrap Accounts" We offer a variety of programs and platforms which can be tailor made and managed for the needs of the individual client.* We also offer fee based: financial planning, life insurance and managed accounts through our Registered Investment Advisory firm, Secure Asset Management LLC. Additionally, AMS can help the small business owner or the individual to create a diversified portfolio from a variety of traditional and less known investments which may be able to weather more turbulant market conditions while keeping the clients goals and tax considerations in mind. *